PACIO Functional Performance Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - ci-build US

PACIO Functional Performance Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

Example QuestionnaireResponse: FPIG-QResponse-SNF-PHQ9-1

.. FPIG-QResponse-SNF-PHQ9-1QuestionnaireResponse
... Section-4MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.18.1 - Mood - OSA [CMS Assessment]
.... Section-4/D0200Resident mood interview (PHQ-9) [Reported PHQ-9 CMS]
..... Section-4/D0200_1Resident mood interview (PHQ-9) - symptom presence in the last 2 weeks [CMS Assessment]
...... Section-4/D0200A1Little interest or pleasure in doing thingsLOINC LA33-6: Yes
...... Section-4/D0200B1Feeling downLOINC LA33-6: Yes
...... Section-4/D0200C1Trouble falling or staying asleepLOINC LA33-6: Yes
...... Section-4/D0200D1Feeling tired or having little energyLOINC LA32-8: No
...... Section-4/D0200E1Poor appetite or overeatingLOINC LA32-8: No
...... Section-4/D0200F1Feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family downLOINC LA32-8: No
...... Section-4/D0200G1Trouble concentrating on thingsLOINC LA32-8: No
...... Section-4/D0200H1Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed. Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usualLOINC LA32-8: No
...... Section-4/D0200I1Thoughts that you would be better off deadLOINC LA10996-9: No response
..... Section-4/D0200_2Resident mood interview (PHQ-9) - symptom frequency in the last 2 weeks [CMS Assessment]
...... Section-4/D0200A2Little interest or pleasure in doing thingsLOINC LA10998-5: 2-6 days (several days)
...... Section-4/D0200B2Feeling downLOINC LA10998-5: 2-6 days (several days)
...... Section-4/D0200C2Trouble falling or staying asleepLOINC LA10998-5: 2-6 days (several days)
...... Section-4/D0200D2Feeling tired or having little energyLOINC LA10997-7: Never or 1 day
...... Section-4/D0200E2Poor appetite or overeatingLOINC LA10997-7: Never or 1 day
...... Section-4/D0200F2Feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family downLOINC LA10997-7: Never or 1 day
...... Section-4/D0200G2Trouble concentrating on thingsLOINC LA10997-7: Never or 1 day
...... Section-4/D0200H2Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed. Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usualLOINC LA10997-7: Never or 1 day
...... Section-4/D0200I2Thoughts that you would be better off dead
.... Section-4/D0300PHQ-9 Total Score3 {score}

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